Alvarado Heights_Card_003
ALVARADO HEIGHTS_CARD_003.tif Lot10 exc SE 100'- Permit to Gilbert & Betty Ruth Morantte, Owners and Herbert H, & Deanna Hom, purch, to erect 12' high fence and lights around tennis court. Fence to obs O' rear ya:. where max 61 high fence is perm in req 20' rear yard at 4883 Catoctin Drive between Art. St, and Curry Drive, Zone R-1-5, Cond'l. c-12985 2-13-75 Lot 9- Permit APPROVED by ZA to MORRIS I. STEIMAN, owner; and FRIENDS OF LUBAVITCH, INC., purchaser, to operate a preschool and kindergarten through third grade for 80 children Monday throug~ Fri day from 9: 00 a,m. to 3: 30 p,m. da i I y where such use Is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only, at 4905 Catoctin Drive, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. CUP 17798 11-19-82 Lots I and 2- Permit was con idered by ZA to CHARLES H. BENTON TRUST AND JOYCE BENTON TRUST, owners; VAGABOND INN, lessee, to remodel an existing 313 sq. ft., 42 1 high ground sign projecting 4 1 over the public right-of-way, resulting in a 150 sq. ft., 38 1-611 high ground sign projecting 2 1-5" over the public right-of-way, where a maximum 90 sq. ft., 16 1 high ground sign is permitted, located at 6440 El Cajon Boulevard, Zone C. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED a 30' high, 90 sq. ft. ground sign advertising Vagabond Inn and a lower panel 30 sq. ft. advertising the restaurant, for a maximum sign area of 120 sq.ft. where 90 sq. ft. would be permitted. Conditions. C-18029 5-20-83