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Development Services

Alvarado Heights_Card_002

ALVARADO HEIGHTS_CARD_002.tif '.9 /, ', ..,c I 4.--,,.,-- ,,' ,., /t,3'1 L-, C.. 2,1~- I 1"bl,11...-.. V ~VWOO ttEI!lHTS c,., CARDv l. ffl, r tot 4- 1lermit to Chas H 7 ma Brown and ~r & Helen Uatson to erect 4 11::t:Ji add 11 living units:i,n as,n to 17 exist uni.ts. 6474 El Cajon Blvd. Res. No. 7168 2-18-53--------------------------------------- Por Lot 4 Res, of Prop in addn to above Rex. 7168 to Brow & W11tson to erect 4 add living units in addn to 17 units, 6474 El Cajon Blvd. Res. No. 7169 2-18-53--------------__.,---------------- E 92 1 Lot 3 Permit to Frank C & Margaret Lewis to const 28 1 x 42' addll to non-con!- store bldg & const 181x48' carport, 64&J El Cajon filvd. Rex. No. 7213 3-4-53--------------------------------------------- Por Lot 6 (also Por tot 26, La Mesa Colony} Permit to Frank M & Ethelyn Crosby to const sing tam res, on cond that 10 1 ease alg entire Crosby prop on Catoctin Dr. Be deeded to the City, adj Sly from 4965 Catocttn Dr. Res. No. 7519 6-24-53------------------------------------------ Lot 6 Por- Permit to Marilla Pope to conat sing!am, dwell obs 2o 1 SB where 35 1 is req on south side of Catoctin Dr. Betw Art st. 7 Curry Dr., Zone R-1 Cond'l. Extened to 2-23-62 Case 4719 2-23-62---------------__.....____________________ Por Lot 6 Permit to Mrs. Marilla A Pope to const sing f'am dwell obs from 5 1 rear yd on Ely side, where 20 1 is req., to req. 25 1 on Wly side, on south aide Catoctrin Drive, betw Art st. & Curey Dr., Zone R-1 TABT.rn Case #4759 3-14-62------Q-----------------------------------------