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Development Services

Alvarado #2_Card_005

ALVARADO #2_CARD_005.tif ALVARADO UNIT #2 CARD #5 Lot 21- AGREEMENT to LLOYD MAUDLIN to enclose existing patio with existing bar sink and new bath, located at 5461 Toyon Road, Zone R-1-40, AGREEMENT #2993 10-10-83 Lot# 36- AGREEMENT to maintain existing pool house with bath and sink and add laundry room with laundry tub connected to existing single-family dwelling by breezeway. NORMAN AND ROBERTA GREENE. 5484 Toyon Rd. Zone R-1-40, Agree,# 3123 Lot 26- ZA considered request of LESLIE BARANYI to construct a SFD observing a JO' front yard at closest point where 25' is reqd at 5665 Toyon Rd,, Zone R-1-40 (HR) and after consideration of finding of facts has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED the SFD observing a 15' front yard at the closest point where 25' is required, subj to cond. C-18503 8/10/84 Lot 71- AGREEMENT to C, TERRY AND CHARLENE BROWN to construct a second- story addition with bath to an existing single-family dwelling; addition to have outside access and access through existing house, located at 4461 Palo Verde Terrace, zone R-1-40. AGREEMENT #3278 4-15-85