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Development Services

Alvarad #3_Card_002

ALVARAD #3_CARD_002.tif,....,, r Lot 112- Permit to BASON DTERPRISI!S, INC. to constr dwell w/att gar obs 12' 'SJlonLellarron.... M.~h111xe 15' SB is estab; UXOUf 5266 Lellarron Rd, nr Sly terminus/ IJ-l-40. C-8326 N.H. 9 l/67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <-------Lot 107- Permit to Allan & Pearl Lame, to erect a 12 1 high chain link fence around tenni:t ct~ fence to obs 51 side yd on par of E'ly prop line and~ to 8 1 rear yd where a max 6 1 high fence is perm in req_ 10 1 side yd and 30' rear yd at 4730 Arion Way at end of cul-de-sac, Zone R-1-40, Cond 11. Case No. 8537 N.H. l-2J-68 n'O'll-~e&--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~- Permit to Bernard & Dorothy Arenson to constr sin fam dwell obs at a point a 27'9" rear yd where 30' is req in the 4700 plock Avion Way & betw LeBarron and end of cul-de-sac, Zone R-1-40. c-9196 N.H. 3-28-69 Lot 125- Permit to Terence & Patricia Gooding to erect 360 1 of chain link fence 12' high around a tennis court observing a O' sideyard at one point & a 14' rear yard wnere a max. 6 1 hign fence is perm within a req 10' interior sideyard & a 30' rear yd, at 4878 Avian Way betw LeBarron & end of cul-de-sac, being in tne R-1-40 (interim) Zone.-----------------------------------------~-- C-9286 N.H. 5-12-69------------------------------------------------- Lot 126- Permit to Terence J. Gooding to canst a lighted tennis court with a maximum 10' high fence and 20' high lights obs a 15' rear yard. 5335 LeBarron Road. Zone R-1-40. Conditions. C-15531. 11-14-78.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------