Altadena, Map 1163 Block A
ALTADENA, MAP 1163 BLOCK A.tif. '..... ALTADENA, Map 1663 BLOCK A Lot 30 & street closing-adj- Permit DENIED to Warren H. & Frances L. Curtis to provide 3 off-street parking spaces in front of existing single family dwelling on lot w/detached sub-standard garage w/an apt on top; parking spaces to obs 12' SB from curb & 2' from front p.l. on Bancroft St. where 18 1 from curb & 3' from front p.l. is req at 3388 Bancrof1 St., betw Upas St. & Thorn St., Zone R-4. c-9966 7-16-70 Lot 17- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Panagiotis N. & Evlabia P. Kotselas to maintain enlargement of non-conforming single-family dwelling on the first floor where residential use is permitted today only above the ground floor, and observes a 3' interior side yard where 4 1 is required, at 3310 Bancroft Street, Zone C. Conditions. CASE 16452 12-7-79