Altadena Block G_Card_001
ALTADENA BLOCK G_CARD_001.tif..AL'fADENA C. d 1,,.. ar.. o, ,__, Lot 12- Pel"llit to Van to build a cottage, 6 back Boundary Street.------------------------------------------------------~!!!-~7~----------2=!~:__________ Lot 5- Pel'llit to M. Wade to build garage on PL of Boundary Street.___________ i1J.9_:_311i-lia..__________________________ 6tla.5QQ93__________ j:J.3:29__________ Lot 4- Pel'llit to E. K. Little- residence setback 10' fr PL on Boundary St.______________________________________________________ ftt!a_22i~---------U:lQ:3Q__________ Res. 55223- 11-10-30- Grants 61 setback Res. 55276- 1-17-30- Repeals Res. 55222-----------~!!:.22~1__:__!!:!7:~~--=--~!i~!-~!!:.22~~---------------------------------- Lot 15 (W Bo)- Pel'llit to Leo R, Ce.nine to conatr an addn to res w/10' rear yd, at___________________ 3J.J.!Lt!JsU~tx.ta__________________ Btla-J.232__________ J.g:2:!!2___________ w Lot 17- Permit to S.J. & Helen Deangos to 11&intain nov-eXist 6 solid board fence on retain wall 1 1611- 3' hi, 3406 Redwood St.______________ a2uslla----------------------------------8!!a.l2a_32Q!_______ i:le:~2---------- Et Lot 17- Permit to E,J. Dorsey to const 61 solid board fence on retain wall 3' to 46; 3422 Redwood St, Res. Ko. 3914 6-6-49------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 7- Permit DElf.tED Vera R. Launder to conat duplex facing Boundary, ma.Jdng 3 living units 3227 McKinley. Res. 1'0. 4962 9-6-50---------------'--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 7- Appeal of Vera R, Launder frOII Z C Res. #4962 DElf.tED and Z c decision suatainedJ denying constr of duplex facing Boundary St, making 3 living units on Lot, at 3227 McKinley St, Zone R-2, Council Rea. Ko. 99631 9-28-50