Alta Vista Suburb Track 2 Block J
ALTA VISTA SUBURB TRACK 2 BLOCK J.tif ALTA VISTA SUBURB1t~ BLOCK J Lots 25 & 26 (Ely)- Condi permit to Edna P. Maxwell to convert exist garage at 4786 Ocean View Blvd into apt, 3' rear yd. Res. 408 9-23-43------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por and Block I, Por Lot 52, Horton's Purch- Permit to S.D. Unified School District to use exist school parking lot to serve church facility immediately adjacent to the south, at 445-47th St. betw Ocean View Blvd and Franklin Ave. Zone R-2A, c-13125 7-11-75 Jots 47 and 48- Permit to Lula Q. and Lee C. Taylor to rebuild ex nonconf to main ex O' side yd where 41 is reqd at 4787 Franklin Ave., Zone R-2-A. c-13995. 1-6-77. stairway, and Cond'l.,,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.---------