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Aloha Tract Card_001

ALOHA TRACT CARD_001.tif ALOHA TRACT (Imperial Beach) I.~ ~- \.__ <~ Lots 7, 15 & 16- Permit t-'c(Roman Catholic Bishop of S. D. c/o Father Stadler to rebuild & add to exist church destroyed by fire & complete master plan for prop, 935 18th St., Zone R-1, Imperial Beach. JfJ-___. Case No. 2574 6-12-59 ':iN-~~--!/_~~8f_________________________________ / Lots 5, 6, 13, 14, 21, 22, 29, & 30- Permit to The Roman Catholic Bishop of s. D. to const & operate high school plnat with related athletic facilities on 17th St. & Coronado thru 18th St. near Elder St., Zone R-1, Cond'l. (Imperial Beach). c.u.P. Case No. 3789 3-20-61. / I------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 14- Permit to The Roman Catholic Bishop of S. D. (Robt. Egger, trustee) to const 121:x,30 1 bldg to house exist well pump & future elec distrib panel in conj with high school perm by C.U.P. Case No. ~782.. (Marion H.S.) bldg to obs 33',JB from C.L. of 18th St. (40 1::,B req) Imperial Beach, etw Coronado & Elm Aves, Zone.H.-1. V Case No. 4196 6-30-61----------------------------------------------- Lots 5, 6, 13, 14, 21, 22, 29 & JO- Permit to Roman Catholic Bishop of S. D. to const 6 1 high chain link fence obs 0 1::,B from 17th, 18th Sts. & Coronado Ave., Imperial Beach, Zone R-1./ Case No. 4057 N.H. 4-26-61---------------------------------------------------------------Lots 5, 6, 13, 14, 21, 22, 29 & 30- Permit to Robert Egger, Trustee & owner, The Roman. Catholic Bishop of S. D. (Marion High School), lessee, to erect approx 875' of 6' high chain link fence encro 15' into req 15 1 0B {See C-3789), at 1002 18th St. betw Coronado & Elm Ave. Zone R-1-5, Cond'l. V Case No. 7568 1-21-66