(2nd)Fortuna Park Addn. Block 35
(2ND)FORTUNA PARK ADDN. BLOCK 35.tif (ncol'ID!QRTUBA PARK ADDITION BLOCK 35 w Lots 1 & 2- Hilary- L. & Wanda Thein to const 6' hi grapestake fence obs 0' SB from Yesemite St (15' req) & fence max 3' ni perm in SB area 3785 Yosemite st., R-4. TABLED. C-3353 5-20-60---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 465- Permit to const 2nd-story addn w/bar sink exist sin fam dwell,3701 Yosemite St., Zone R-2A AGREE#2160 5-14-76---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 13 & 14- Permit APPROVED by AZA to DOROTHY Z. AND RICHARD M. MC BRIDE to construct a two-story, one unit and garage addition on a lot with two existing units; addition to result in 47"/o lot coverage where 40% is permitted, and to provide four parking spaces, two of which will be compact spaces where one compact space is permitted, at 3737 Yosemite Street, Zone R-2A. Conditions. C-15818 3-30-79 Lots 1 & 2- ZA DENIED request of Roy P. & Gloria B.W. Poston, but APPROVED w/conditions (1) replace 88 linear feet of 6'0" solid fence encroaching a maximum 5'4" into the public right-of-way along Yosemite St. and 5 1 9"encroachment along Play a Ave. (2) to permit 61'0" of 6'0" high fence within the visibility area consisting of 3'0" solid at the base with 3'0" open above, providing for a maximum height of 6'0", located at 1655 La Playa Ave,, zone R-1500. C-20045 09-15-88