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Development Services

(2nd)Fortuna Park Addn. Block 34

(2ND)FORTUNA PARK ADDN. BLOCK 34.tif FOB.TUNA PARK SECOND ADDITION BLOCK 34 Lots 39- 44- Permit to Charles W. Way, owner & Eugene S. & Mary Jane Hurder, purchaser to const 24-unit, 3-story apt complex obs 4' st side yd where 10' st. side yd is req, at SW cor of Yosemite St. & La Playa Ave. Zone R-4. AMENDED 10-16-67 Case No. $100 4-26-67-------------,---------------------------------------------------------------~ Lots 13 and 14- Permit to Randall L. Whittington to canst a two-story, two-bedrm duplex; por of duplex to be over a four-car garage, on lot with an exs one-story sfd. Proposed construction to obs yards but res in 48% lot coverage. 3737 Ingraham Street. Zone R-2A. Condit ion&. C-15053, 5-16-78.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------