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(2nd)Fortuna Park Addn. Block 3

(2ND)FORTUNA PARK ADDN. BLOCK 3.tif Lots 31 & 32 making total duplex to be Beach Dr. BLOCK 3 . - Permit to D.E. & Fern L. Beck to erect duplex in rear of exist duplex of 4 units on prop, 2 to be served by 8' access & coverage of 51.5~; erected over 4 car gar, W side Ingraham St. betw Fortuna St. & Pacific Res. 6093 12-26-51 Lots 22 & 23- Permit to Mr. Roy A. Coo~ to complete const of 10 unit, 2 story apt house with full off-street parking; 5 spaces to be furnished off the alley with 1 space adj to Furtuan St., to be 18' from curb line & 0' distance from property line; & 5 spaces off Fortuna St., all to be 18' from curb line & 0' distance from property line, 5 spaces being in required access court, where no parking is permitted within 20' of curb line, at 4006 Ingraham St., Zone R-4. C-5412 1-18-63 Lots 14 & 15- Permit DENIED to George & Bernice Davis to convert exist 20 1 811 x 24' gar into an apt; gar now obs al' side yd & apt will obs al' sideyd where a 3' side yd is req for bldgs used for living or sleeping & sin dwell must have a min floor area of 500 sq ft at 4027 Promontory St. betw Pacific Beach Dr & Fortuna Ave, Zone R-4. c-9884 5-29-70-L-;,_t_s_-16- &--1-.,--_- Pe-rm_i_t-AP-PROi,-ED-by- iA-,-to--~iev-ii Te--.r.-s-awye-r-1:0- coris 1:-ri.ict_ a_-th-i n:l-sto-ry-- one-bedroom living unit on lot with two existing two=bedroom units; existing two-story structure observes a 4' interior side yard on each side, but new unit will observe a 13' interior side yard on the south side and a 14.5 1 interior side yard on the north side where 7 1 is required for all floors of a three-story building, at 4019 1/2 (rear) Promontory Street, Zone R-2A. Conditions. //171eJ'ld/7le/lt 6~1-tP::) CASE 16441 NH 12-21-79