(2nd)Fortuna Park Addn. Block 21
(2ND)FORTUNA PARK ADDN. BLOCK 21.tif (SEC.OJ:ID) FORTUNA PARK ADDITION BLOCK 21 Lot 26 & Sly 15 1 Lot 27, Permit to Frances L. & Sidney B. Long to build as per R-4 usage with 40 ft. on Haines St. S-593 4-28-59 Nly 10 1 of Lot 27 & all Lot 28 permit to above to build as per R-4 usage. with 35 ft. frontage on Haines St. R-4 zone. S-495 4-28-59 Lots 29,30,31 &s Lot 32, Permit to Sara S. & Thomas Finn to const 8-unit apt on parcel, 87 ft. frontage on Haines st., R-4 s-695 10-24-61 Lot 33 & N Lot 32, Permit above to maintain as R-4 bldg site, with 37' on Haines St., R-4 S-696 10-24-61- No.--Lo""t-32-, Al-1 Lo-ts- 33;34,35---Pe~-it- to-Tho~as- &- Sa~a-S.- Fin;-t--;nt.-- & complete const of 8 unit, 2-story apt bldg covering approx 53% of par where 50% is perm (See S-696 for Lot Split), at 3838 Haines St. betw La jPlaya ive. & Roosevelt Ave., Zone R-4, Cond 1 1. case No. 5502 2-15-63---------------------------------------------------------------------------