1_04701.tif., HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 191 f-a,l Lots.~~ [&(Lot 1, Bl k 4, Bay View Homestead)- Permit to Hc:rtz Corp., lessee, & Marie S. Walker, owner (S.D. Tr. & Sav. Bk, Trustee of estate of E. J. Mason) to const 13' hi concrete wall, to be 9' above exist grade & back-fil when complete, 6th & Ash, St. C. Zone, cond' 1 Case 3783 1 /13/61 t-.,.1 /-,r;,/"L.. l:;.. c-b,,~ i:!:"~_:; ~-:- //.'::__-..,...,... '- I,,,4_ I-;":;/.,'.., ~'-=-t.,.-, ~/!~"I~ '--- - ~ ~.: \ \ /