1_04699.tif HORTON 1 s ADDITION t1E,~-5 Lots E & F- Setback suspended for Madge A. Bahl. Res. 36996 3/1/26 Lots E & F- Request of Bank of America National Trust & Savings Assn. as trustee under agreement with John Burnham & Co., owner & Travelodge Corp., lessee TABLED to const restaur ant encroaching 10' into e:i landscape strip on Lot E, eliminating req 10 1 landscape strip on Lot E, at 10th Ave. & A St., betw cabrillo Freeway & B St., Zone C-lA (Lot E) & Zone C (Lot F) C-8231 7/21/67-------- ~----- ---------------__......... Lots E c F- Permit to Bank of America ~at 1 1 Tr. & Savings Ass, as trustee under Trust Agree ment with John Burnham & Co., owner & Travelodge Corp., lessee, to const one story restaur- ant on front & detached two-story, ten unit motel structure with parking on lower level (Case No. 8259) encroaching JO' into req 10' rear yd, and (Case No. 8260) resulting in building to aprking ratio~of 1;1.7 where 1;3 ratio is required, eliminating req 10 1 plant ing strip adj to 10th Ave. & Cabrillo Freeway; restaurant to encro 10' into req landscape strip adj to Cabrillo Freeway on Lot E in C-IA Zone; at 10th Ave. & A St. betw Cabrillo Freeway & B St., Zone C-IA(Lot E) and Zone C (Lot F) Cases 8259 & 8260 8/8/67 Amended 4/3/68