Select Committee on Addressing Cost of Living Public Comment Form
In lieu of in-person attendance, members of the public may participate and provide comment via the Zoom webinar, telephone, the Committee form below, email submission or via U.S. Mail of written materials, as follows:
Comments on Non-Agenda Public Comment or Agenda Items may be submitted using the Committee form below. Please indicate if your comment is non-agenda public comment or include the agenda item number and sub-item letter for which you wish to submit your comment. Comments received at least one hour prior to the Committee meeting will be distributed to the Committee and posted online with the meeting materials. All webform comments are limited to 200 words. Comments received within one hour of the meeting or after the meeting begins will be submitted into the written record after the meeting concludes.Non-Agenda Public Comment may be submitted using the form below, checking the appropriate box. Comments received by 8:45 a.m. will be distributed to the Committee and posted online with the meeting materials. All webform comments are limited to 200 words. Comments received after 8:45 a.m. the day of the meeting but before Non-agenda comment is called will be submitted into the written record for the meeting.
Levine Act. Pursuant to the Levine Act (Gov’t Code Section 84308), any party to a permit, license, contract (other than competitively bid, labor or personal employment contracts) or other entitlement before the Council is required to disclose on the record any contribution, including aggregated contributions, of more than $500 made by the party or the party’s agents within the preceding 12 months to any Council Member. Participants and agents are requested to make this disclosure as well. The disclosure must include the name of the party or participant and any other person making the contribution; the name of the recipient, the amount of the contribution, and the date the contribution was made.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that comments and information provided via this form are public records submitted by members of the public. Additionally, these comments are posted as submitted. Council Administration will make no attempt to identify or remove duplicates to avoid removing corrections or supplemental comments. The City may refuse to display comments or information if it includes obscenity, defamation, fraud, incitement, speech integral to criminal conduct, and child pornography.
The public may view the meetings on public television (within the City of San Diego only) on City TV Channel 24 for Cox Communications and Spectrum or Channel 99 for AT&T, or view the meetings online.
Items marked with a red asterisk (*) are requested to maintain public records of the comments received. The Information provided would allow us to contact you if needed.