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City Council

The People's Business - June 28, 2021

Budget discussions continue as Councilmembers will address the Appropriations Ordinance, Tax Appropriations Limits and the Tax Rate Ordinance for Zoological Exhibits.   This will be the last post of the People’s Business for a little while.  The Audit Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday is adjourned.  The next meeting for Councilmembers will be a Special City Council Meeting on July 12 at 2 p.m.  We wish everyone a safe and restful Independence Day Weekend!





From the Office of Council President Jennifer Campbell Campbell






San Diego City Council Meeting – June 29, 2021






Councilmembers will address the Closed Session Agenda at 9 a.m.  They will then address the Open Session Agenda at approximately 11 a.m.    There are a total of 29 items on the consent agenda including declarations of surplus land, lawsuit settlements and labor agreements.









Ceremonial proclamations include recognition of Brad Richter Day, Buzz Gibbs Day, Colonel Charles B. Dockery Day, Shearl Lambert Grandparents Connection Day and 2021 San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Pride Month.  One proclamation recognizes Say Their Name Weeks in the City of San Diego, highlighting a July exhibit which features victims of racial injustice organized by the San Diego African American Museum of Fine Art.









On to the Discussion Agenda…






Fiscal Year 2022 Appropriation Ordinance – Item S508 – The Appropriation Ordinance defines the legal level at which the Mayor and Chief Financial Officer are allowed to control operational and capital expenditures.  Pursuant to Section 69 of the Charter of the City of San Diego, the Appropriation Ordinance must be adopted by June 30 for operational and capital project spending.






SD ZooFY 2022 Tax Rate Ordinance for the Maintenance of Zoological Exhibits – Item 331 – The San Diego Zoo receives partial funding from property taxes due to a voter-approved section of the San Diego City Charter (Section 77a).  The Department of Finance requests that the City Council approve an Ordinance which sets the tax rate for funding the maintenance of zoological exhibits in Balboa Park. The tax levy for Zoological Exhibits Maintenance is $0.005 per $100 of assessed valuation.  Funding is appropriated in the Fiscal Year 2022 Adopted Budget for Zoological Exhibits Maintenance in the amount of $16,942,907.









Fiscal Year 2022 Tax Appropriations Limit (Gann Limit) - Item 332 – In November 1979, California voters approved Proposition 4 (the Gann Initiative) and added Article XIIIB to the California State Constitution.  There have been subsequent additions, but this legislation required the governing body of each local jurisdiction in California to establish a Tax Appropriations Limit (also referred to as the Gann Limit) on or before June 30 of each year for the following fiscal year.  The proposed Tax Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2022 is $4,105,007,376.  The Tax Appropriations Limit does not apply to all City revenues, or all General Fund revenues, but only to proceeds of taxes including property tax, sales tax, transient occupancy tax, and other local taxes, less the amount paid in debt service on both voter approved debt and qualified capital outlays






550 WashingtonAppeal of the Historical Designation of the Whitson Company Medical Office Building Located at 550 Washington Street (HRB #1403) – Item 334 – City Staff recommends granting the appeal and reversing the Historical Resources Board’s February 25, 2021 historical resource designation of the Whitson Company Medical Office Building located at 550 Washington Street on the basis of factual errors in materials or information presented to the Board.  If the designation is upheld, the property owner will be required to maintain their property consistent with the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and the City’s Historical Resources Regulations.   A Site Development Permit would be required for proposed demolition or substantial alteration of the designated historical resources.






La Media Rd ProjectAccept and Expend Trade Corridor Enhancement Program Grant Funding for the La Media Rd Improvements Project - Item 333 – This Resolution authorizes the Mayor to apply to the California Transportation Commission for Trade Corridor Enhancement Program for grant funding to construct Improvements Project at La Media Rd.   It would allow him to take all necessary actions to secure funding in an amount not-to-exceed $22,700,000, and all related fiscal actions.












Torrance Rd Easement






Torrance Street Right-of-Way Vacation – Project No. 639934. - Item 335 - The proposed project is to vacate a portion of Torrance Street from public use to benefit the underlying parcels. The project site is bounded on the east by the westerly right-of-way (ROW) line of Curlew Street and on the west by the 80-foot ROW of Torrance Street. The remnant portion of Torrance Street to be vacated currently consists of disturbed and natural slope and is partially developed with an encroaching private driveway that provides access to the residence located to the south.









The Center for Policing Equity’s (CPE) National Justice Database (NJD) Report for SDPD – Item 330 – In 2019, the San Diego Police Department entered into a partnership with the Center for Policing Equity to examine stop data in San Diego as part of its National Page 2 of 3 Justice Database project.  CPE examined more than 381,000 vehicle and pedestrian stops, along with use of force data provided by SDPD to provide a comprehensive analysis of collected data, identify any disparities in police interactions and determine if disparities were caused by underlying causes.  This is an informational item. 









To participate in the meeting, click on the agenda and follow the instructions



You can watch the meeting on cable TV channel 24 or AT&T channel 99, or  stream it online (external link). 



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