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City Council

The People's Business - June 22, 2021

Councilmembers will convene for four committee meetings this week.  The Budget Committee will explore wastewater and water rate adjustments.  ED & IR will get updates from the Convention Center and the Commission for Arts and Culture.  Meanwhile, PS & LN and ATI Committees will hold special meetings with only one item on their agendas.

From the Office of Council President Jennifer Campbell Campbell


Budget and Government Efficiency Committee Meeting – June 23, 2021 – 9 a.m.

Councilmember Chris Cate leads the meeting of the Budget and Government Efficiency Committee with six items on the agenda.


Item 4 – FY 2022 Appropriation Ordinance - The Appropriation Ordinance defines the legal level at which the Mayor and Chief Financial Officer are allowed to control operational and capital expenditures.  Pursuant to Section 69 of the Charter of the City of San Diego, the Appropriation Ordinance shall be adopted by June 30 for operational and capital project spending.


water management planItem 5 – Wastewater and Water Rate Adjustments, Cost of Service Study and Proposition 218 Notice and Hearing -  The Public Utilities Department requests a public hearing be set to discuss and vote on the cost of service study for wastewater as well as a proposal to increase water rates to cover San Diego County Water Authority charges for water purchases.  Staff is also requesting that City Council consider adjustments to the development wastewater capacity fee and industrial wastewater control user fees in conjunction with the wastewater rate adjustments.


Item 6 – FY 2019 & 2020 Prevailing Wage Report - This report contains information on the administration of the Prevailing Wage Ordinance as required under San Diego Municipal Code for Fiscal Year 2019 and 2020.  The report summarizes compliance monitoring activities, findings, and wages and penalties assessed and/or recovered.

Three other items can be found on the agenda.


Economic Development and Intergovernmental Relations Committee Meeting – June 23, 2021 – 2 p.m.


Councilmember Raul Campillo leads the ED & IR Committee Meeting addressing four items on the agenda.


Item 1 – FY 2022 Property and Business Improvement Districts – The State of California Property and Business Improvement District (PBID) Law of 1994 requires that the City Council annually approve annual reports for the Property and Business Improvement Districts for each fiscal year.  This action authorizes the appropriation and expenditure of funds for both Downtown PBID and North Park PBID.


Arts and CultureItem 3 – Commission for Arts and Culture Update – Commissioners from the City of San Diego’s Commission for Arts and Culture will present an informational update to the Economic Development & Intergovernmental Relations Committee.  The Commission for Arts and Culture serves in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and City Council on promoting, encouraging, and increasing support for the region’s artistic and cultural assets, integrating arts and culture into community life and showcasing San Diego as an international tourist destination. 


SD Convention CenterItem 4 – San Diego Convention Center Corporation Update – The San Diego Convention Center Corporation staff will present on their activity over the last year and a half, including their role in serving Operation Shelter to Home and the unaccompanied children seeking asylum. The presentation will review the financial effects of the pandemic, reopening plans and an outlook on tourism trends and customer sentiment. Finally, the presentation will also cover short-term and long[1]term marketing strategies.



Public Safety and Livable Neighborhoods Committee Meeting (Special) – June 24, 2021 – 9 a.m.


Councilmember Monica Montgomery Steppe Chairs the special session of the PS & LN Committee meeting which has one item on the agenda.


Item 1 – Consideration of Policy Issues Related to the Implementation of the Commission on Police Practices - Staff recommends the advancement of the drafts to the City Council for consideration of policy issues and to direct meet and confer on the mandatory subjects of bargaining related to the draft ordinances.



Active Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Meeting (Special) – June 24, 2021 2 p.m.


Councilmember Marni von Wilpert leads the ATI Committee meeting which has a single item on the agenda.


Item 1 - Authorization to Increase the Fiscal Year 2022 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget with 2021 Lease Revenue Bonds and Commercial Paper Proceeds to Fund Critical Infrastructure Needs – The Engineering and Capital Projects Department requests the City Council to authorize an increase to the Fiscal Year 2022 CIP Adopted Budget to fund critical CIP infrastructure needs from 2021 Lease Revenue Bond and Commercial Paper proceeds.  While priority CIP projects have been identified for the $145 million, there are additional significant capital needs for public safety and environmental services that total approximately $150.0 million. These Additional Projects consist of new fire engines, new radio communications system, and new equipment, facilities, and upgrades for the Environmental Services Department.



To participate in the meeting, click on the agenda and follow the instructions. 

You can watch the meeting on cable TV channel 24 or AT&T channel 99, or  stream it online (external link). 

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