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City Council

The People’s Business – June 18, 2024

Two committees meet this week.  The Budget and Government Efficiency Committee will vote on the Appropriation Ordinance which authorizes the Mayor and Chief Financial Officer to make needed transactions as directed in the budget.  Environment Committee will hear an audit of SDG&E under the Franchise Agreement.

No Spanish language version is available at this time

From the Office of Council President Sean Elo-Rivera 


Budget and Government Efficiency Committee Meeting – June 20, 2024 – 9 a.m.

BG & E Committee Meeting Agenda


Consent Agenda

Open Jobs

Item 1 - Authorization to Execute a One-Year Extension to an Agreement with NEOGOV

This action accepts proposal for the Personnel Department to extend the existing contract with NEOGOV by one-year for continuation of services to recruit and track City applicants. Specifically, the amendment is to extend the existing one-year term by one-year for a total not-to-exceed amount of $127,057.56.


Item 2 - Exemption of Program Coordinator position in SDCERS from the Classified Service

Pursuant to Section 117(a) of the City Charter, SDCERS is requesting to exempt one position from the Classified Service. Under the direction of the Benefits Administration Director, the Program Coordinator position will be responsible for the management of various SDCERS' Benefits Administration programs.


Item 3 - Approval of the Award of Contract Resulting from Request for Proposal #10090111-24-H to Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP for Labor Negotiations Services

This item approves the award of contract resulting from Request for Proposal (RFP) #10090111-24-H to Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP, for labor negotiations services for a period of three-years, with two one-year options to extend. It would execute a threeyear agreement and exercise the option to extend the contract in yeas four and five with Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP to provide as needed Labor Negotiations Services in an amount not to exceed $5,000,000.


Item 4 - Exemption of Eight (8) position in the City of San Diego from Classified Service

This action is to exempt eight positions in the City of San Diego from the Classified Service which include:

  • Coordinator position in the Department of General Services
  • Three Asst. Deputy Director positions and one Deputy Director position in Engineering and Capital Projects Department
  • One Program Manager position in the Library Department
  • One Program Coordinator position in the Parks and Rec Department
  • One Program manager position in the Environmental Services Department


Discussion Agenda


2025 Budget Cover

Item 5 – Fiscal Year 2025 Appropriation Ordinance

The Fiscal Year 2025 Appropriation Ordinance (AO) appropriates the Fiscal Year 2025 Adopted Budget and sets the legal levels at which the Mayor and CFO control operational and capital expenditures. 

Pursuant to Section 69 of the City Charter, the AO shall be adopted no later than June 30. Further, the AO includes authorities delegated to the Mayor and CFO that allow for the financial transactions required to conduct the affairs of the City throughout the fiscal year.


Item 6 - Approval of an Agreement with Environmental Science Research Institute, Inc. (Esri), for Enterprise Geographical Information System (GIS) Software, Subscriptions, and Services

This item would approve an agreement between the City of San Diego and Environmental Science Research Institute, Inc., for Geographical Information System Enterprise software, subscriptions, and services for an amount not-to-exceed $8,280,000 over a three-year term. This agreement is required to provide critical GIS technology Citywide for the next three years.




Environment Committee Meeting – June 20, 2024 – 1 p.m.

Environment Committee Meeting Agenda


Consent Agenda

Item 1 - Second Amendment to the Sole Source Contract with Agilent Technologies, Inc. to Provide Laboratory Instrumentation and Associated Software Packages for Data Analysis and Reporting

This item would authorize a Second Amendment to the Sole Source Contract with Agilent Technologies, Inc. extending the original contract for an additional five years to provide new and replacement laboratory instrumentation and maintenance services needed to meet the City of San Diego’s water quality monitoring permit requirements.


Pure Water Demonstration Facility

Item 2 - Pure Water Program – Second Amendment to the Agreement with CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc. for Engineering Services for the Design of the North City Metropolitan Biosolids Center (MBC) Improvements Project (H176825)

This item would approve the Second Amendment to the Agreement with CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc. for Design of North City Metropolitan Biosolids Center Improvements project construction support services for a not-to-exceed amount of $3,157,130 increasing the total agreement to $9,454,491.


Item 3 - Award Third Amendment to the Agreement (H176846) with Carollo Engineers, Inc. for Design Engineering Services for the North City Pure Water Facility

This item would approve the award of contract resulting from Request for Proposal (RFP) #10090111-24-H to Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP, for labor negotiations services for a period of three-years, with two one-year options to extend.


Item 4 - Pure Water – Fifth amendment to the As-Needed Engineering Technical Services Consultant agreement with Stantec, Inc for the Pure Water Program (H156303)

The City entered this agreement with Stantec, Inc. for As-Needed Engineering Technical Services in support of Phase 1 of the Pure Water Program. This action would approve the Fifth Amendment to the agreement for an additional not-to-exceed amount of $34,000,000, thus increasing the total amount of the agreement to $128,100,000 which will be utilized for continued program management. This action will also extend the contract term for an additional five years to January 2030.

Item 5 - Authorize the Second Amendment to Sole Source Contract #3991 with Somach, Simmons and Dunn for Legal Services Related to the Proposed San Vicente Energy Storage Facility

This item would authorize the execution of the Second Amendment to Sole Source Contract #3991 with Somach, Simmons and Dunn extending the original contract for an additional five years for legal services related to the proposed San Vicente Energy Storage Facility. This would include Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regulatory advice and representation in litigation against the State Water Resources Control Board related to annual fees assessed by the SWRCB for the San Vicente Reservoir.


Discussion Agenda

Item 6 - Dissolving First Franchise Compliance Review Committee

This resolution would dissolve the current Franchise Compliance Review Committee (FCRC) overseeing the Electric and Gas Franchise agreements with San Diego Gas & Electric for the compliance period of July 8, 2021, through July 7, 2023. A subsequent item will be presented to the Council to establish the next FCRC, which will oversee the next compliance period from July 8, 2023, through July 7, 2025.

In accordance with the Electric and Gas Franchise Ordinances, the FCRC is to be established every two years to fulfill specific functions: 

  1. Every two years, an independent auditor will present an audit of the Franchise compliance to the FCRC. 
  2. The FCRC will review the independent audit report and develop its own report and recommendations to City Council, which will be delivered within 180 calendar days of the end of each 2-year period of the Franchise term. 
  3. The FCRC will provide a recommendation to the City Council regarding the automatic renewal of the secondary term of the Franchises.


Item 7 - Establishing the Second Franchise Compliance Review Committee

This resolution would establish a Franchise Compliance Review Committee to oversee the Electric and Gas Franchise agreements with San Diego Gas & Electric for the compliance period of July 8, 2023, to July 7, 2025.


Information Agenda

SDG&E Logo

Item 8 - SDG&E Franchise Independent Audit Report and Franchise Compliance Review Committee Report

Section 6 of the City Council adopted Franchise Ordinances also outlines the creation of the Franchise Compliance Review Committee (FCRC), which is established for the purpose of receiving the independent auditor's findings and incorporating them into an FCRC report. This item provides an overview of the FCRC report, which reviews SDG&E’s performance under the franchise agreements and, where applicable, provides to Council a recommendation on the potential renewal for the second 10-year term of the Franchise. 


Item 9 – Climate Resilient SD Implementation Update

Climate Resilient SD is a comprehensive climate adaptation and resilience plan that addresses the four primary climate change-related hazards that the City of San Diego faces: extreme heat, changes in precipitation (extreme rainfall or drought), wildfires, and sea level rise. This item is an informational overview of the implementation progress in Fiscal Year 2023 and ongoing implementation efforts.


Item 10 - Report from San Diego County Water Authority Regarding 2025 Rates & Charges

The San Diego County Water Authority will provide an update on activities and priorities of the agency, with a focus on rate-setting for 2025.



To participate in the meeting, click on the agenda and follow the instructions.  

You can watch the meeting on cable TV channel 24 or AT&T channel 99, or  stream it online (external link).  

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