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City Council

Council Conversations: A Chat with Councilmember Mark Kersey

Today, we are happy to release the fourth installment of a new video series, "Council Conversations" -- Zoom interviews with members of the City Council, hosted by Council Communications Director Dave Rolland.

We'll publish these in-depth conversations throughout November and December, hopefully including the five new members of the Council after they're sworn in on Dec. 10. 

These videos are being published on the City Council Communications YouTube page. The first three were chats with Council President Georgette Gómez, District 2 Councilmember Jennifer Campbell, and District 4 Councilmember Monica Montgomery Steppe.

Today's conversation is with District 5 Councilmember Mark Kersey, who talks about how great it is to run for office unopposed, his political evolution, why public infrastructure is like a big bowl of ice cream, and more. Please note: This interview was recorded as votes from the Nov. 3 election were still being counted. 

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