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Clery Act Campus Crime Reports

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, formerly known as the Campus Security Act, is a federal law that requires colleges and universities across the United States to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. All public and private institutions of postsecondary education participating in federal student aid programs are subject to it.

The San Diego Police Department receives requests for this information from institutions of higher learning regularly. To better accommodate requests in a more efficient manner, we have created a public-facing crime dashboard that allows users to quickly search for crimes based on a neighborhood or around an individual block address. 

Dashboard Instructions: From the landing page, click on the “Crime Data Explorer” tab at the top. On the left side of the page are filters, and at the top of the map tile is a search bar for an individual address. Crimes will be displayed as clusters on the map with a number depicting how many incidents occurred at the block address. If a cluster is clicked on a cluster summary window will pop up. Please click the table icon to see a summary of the individual crime incidents. 

The underlying data is also available in CSV format on the City of San Diego open data portal.

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