Plan Implementation (Development Project Review)
Projected Completion: Ongoing
The Planning Department continually reviews all building permits to ensure the funds needed to provide infrastructure are collected from new development as anticipated by the City’s land use plans. The Department also reviews development projects to ensure they are consistent with the General Plan, community plans and the City’s Multiple Species Conservation Plan.
Strategic Plan Priority Areas of Focus
This program focuses on the following priority areas of the Strategic Plan:
Create Homes for All of Us
Reviews include the ultimate issuance of permits for homes in all communities.
Protect & Enrich Every Neighborhood
Ensures new development is consistent with adopted policies to protect and enrich communities.
Advance Mobility & Infrastructure
Ensures new development projects provide needed infrastructure needed through the direct delivery of the infrastructure or through the payment of Development Impact Fees.
Champion Sustainability
Results in development that is consistent with the City’s environmental regulations.
Foster Regional Prosperity
Facilitates new development which fosters regional prosperity.