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Development Services

How to Obtain a Permit for State of California Approved Commercial Coaches

This information bulletin is to explain the policy of the City of San Diego concerning the use and permitting requirements of commercial coaches that are approved by the State of California.

A commercial coach is a structure transportable in one or more sections designed and equipped for human occupancy for non-residential uses. Typical uses are for offices, classrooms, and public assembly. The commercial coach can consist of one or several modules that are placed side-by-side and/or stacked.

Commercial coaches shall be approved by the State of California’s Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The State of California checks construction plans and specifications and inspects for all relevant code requirements which include type of construction, occupancy classification, light, ventilation, exiting, and accessibility by persons with disabilities within the coach structure.

I. Insignia

Each commercial coach shall bear a State of California insignia which identifies as a coach approved for the specified use and occupancy.

II. When is a Permit Required?

A building permit is required for the installation and use of commercial coaches. In addition, no-plan Electrical and Plumbing permits are also required for inspection of the electrical and plumbing systems point of connection to the commercial coach.


  1. The coach is to be used for temporary construction offices or watchmen’s quarters on any site for which an application for a building permit or land development permit has been submitted to the City, or on any site incidental to construction authorized by subdivision work order, special permit, public improvement permit, City contract or City franchise for the period of construction, or
  2. The coach is to be used strictly for temporary and transient, non-residential use limited to not more than 16 hours at any one location and not in violation of any other regulations. See Municipal Code, Sec. 98.0202.

The City of San Diego will not plan-check State of California approved commercial coaches, decks, ramps, stairs, and foundation systems for code compliance provided that such structures conform to the intended occupancy classification, use, purpose and other specifications as approved by the State. The City will, however, check for site requirements such as location on the site, distance of exterior wall surface to property lines and to other buildings on the site, fire resistance protection of exterior walls and openings, site accessibility (parking and route of travel to the coach entrance), foundation system water and sewer connections, and applicable zoning regulations. Any alterations, modifications, revisions, and repairs to the State approved commercial coach, deck, ramp, stairs, or foundation system are not allowed and shall only be reviewed and approved by the State of California’s Department of HCD.  

III. Submittal Requirements

For more information, refer to Section 2 of Project Submittal Manual.

A. Forms

  1. Project Contacts, DS-345.
  2. Water Meter Data Card, DS-16 (if commercial Coach contains any plumbing fixtures).
  3. Hazardous Materials Reporting, DS-165.
  4. San Diego Regional Hazardous Material Questionnaire, HM-9171.
  5. Stormwater Requirements Applicability Checklist, DS-560.

B. Plans

A commercial coach installation project requires all new plans to be in digital format (PDF) of the following building construction plan packages:

  1. Site Plan and Vicinity Map. For more information, refer to Information Bulletin 122.
  2. Foundation plan, foundation structural calculations and geotechnical investigation report. Refer to Section V Foundation System in this information bulletin for additional information.
  3. Floor plan showing all plumbing fixtures.
  4. Deck framing plans, connection details and specifications, whether approved by the State or not.
  5. Ramp framing plans, connection details and specifications, whether approved by the State or not. Refer to Section VI for Ramps, Stairs, Decks and Section VII for Accessibility in this information bulletin for additional information.
  6. Elevations with dimensions are recommended when Planning and Zoning regulations require transparency, building articulation or other architectural design features.
  7. Landscape Plan. For more information, refer to the Landscape Plan Review section.
  8. Historic Resource Review. If the project site contains a structure that is 45 or more years old AND is not a designated Historic Site/Structure or within a Historical District, see Information Bulletin 580, Potential Historical Resources Review, for additional submittal requirements. The submittal of deck and ramp framing plans may be deferred. For more information, refer to Information Bulletin 188.

C. Information on Plans

Provide, in a table format, the following information on the first sheet of plans:

  1. Scope of Work. The Title Sheet of Plans shall have a brief statement specifying the scope of the work of the project, clearly identifying each structure that is State of California approved. For example: scope of work includes the installation of one State of California-approved commercial coach on State of California-approved foundation system.
  2. Sheet Index. List all the sheets included in the plan package.
  3. Project Team. List name and phone number of all design professionals including engineers, architects, and designers.
  4. Legal description and Assessor Parcel Number(s) for the property on which the development is proposed.
  5. Owner’s name(s) and address(es).
  6. Existing and proposed uses.
  7. Zoning Designation and/or overlay zone designations (Coastal, Coastal Height Limit, Airport Influence Area, etc.).
  8. Any approved development permits (discretionary permits) for the project.
  9. Type of Construction per the California Building Code as specified on the insignia and of the coach proposed.
  10. Occupancy Classification(s) per the California Building Code as specified on the insignia and of the coach proposed.
  11. The Building Code year used for the design of the project.
  12. The overall height of the coach from the top of the grade to the highest point of elevation.
  13. The gross floor area and floor area ratio (if applicable).
  14. Condition of soil (undisturbed, compact fill, or loose fill) when the proposed construction includes new foundations.
  15. Landscape area square footage for water conservation purposes.
  16. Total area of disturbance.

IV. Foundation System

A permanent foundation system is required for commercial coach unless otherwise specified in a State-approved foundation system. The plans for the foundation system providing support for the commercial coach must be included in the project plans. Foundation plans shall provide details and specifications for footings, vertical support elements, connections to commercial coach, lateral-load (shear) transfer and lateral-load resting support elements. The foundation system may be approved by the State or designed by a California-licensed civil engineer or architect.

A. State Approved Foundation System

If State-approved plans for the foundation system are utilized, they shall bear the State approval stamp and date.

B. Designed Foundation System

If the foundation system is not approved by the State, the foundation plan and structural calculations shall be prepared by and bear the registration stamp and date of a California-licensed civil engineer or architect.

C. Geotechnical Report

A geotechnical investigation report may be required to be submitted as required by the San Diego Municipal Code (SDMC), Chapter 14, Article 5, Division 18.

V. Ramps, Stairs, Decks

Coaches that have exterior decks, stairs or ramps to access the parking level or other coaches, complete foundation plans, framing plans, details, specifications, and structural calculations shall be included as part of the plans submitted to the City for review for compliance with applicable building code provisions and other regulations. Such elements may either be included as part of the plans approved by the State or included as part of the plans submitted to the City for review and approval. State-approved plans shall bear the State approval stamp and date. If such elements are not approved by the State, plans and structural calculations shall be prepared and bear the registration stamp and date of a California-licensed civil engineer or architect.

VI. Accessibility 

Accessible route of travel shall be provided from the public right of way and/or parking to the commercial coach in compliance with the accessibility provisions of Chapter 11B of the governing State of California Building Code. This includes walkway, parking stall(s), ramps, stairs, decks, and the coach. Ramps, stairs and decks are required to be accessible by disabled persons and shall comply with the accessibility requirements of Chapter 11B of the California Building Code.

VII. Options for Service

Plans for commercial coach require a building permit and must be submitted electronically through the online portal by selecting Building Permit.

VIII. Fees

A. Building Permit Fees

Refer to Information Bulletin 501, Fee Schedule, Construction Permits-Structures for all applicable fees.

B. Plumbing/Gas, Electrical Fees

All electrical, plumbing/gas installations conducted outside of the coach require a permit from and shall be inspected by the City of San Diego. See Information Bulletin 103, Fee Schedule for Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing/Gas Permits for fees.

C. Water and Sewer Fees

Water and sewer capacity fees are due when the coach contains plumbing fixtures and/or the property will be irrigated. See Information Bulletin 501, Fee Schedule Construction Permits-Structures for fees.
