Zschocklets Subd, Map 875 Card 1
ZSCHOCKLETS SUBD, MAP 875 CARD 1.tif ZCHOCKELTS SUBDIV~SION, Map#875 or1S 'CARD.Iii"~ Por.- (See also Por Pueblo Lots 1113 and 1110)- Permit to State of Califli,ia to eonst and operate a PCD on the south side of 1-8 between Texas and 40th Streets underneath 1-805 bridges. R-1-40 (proposed CR) zone. PCD #29. 6-29-77.---------------------------------------------------------- 1-t--. '------------------------- Por Lot 8 and Por Pueblo Lotll13- Permit to Peter K.. t Evelyn Hellwig (co trustees) to erect approx 72' of sol id block ret wall ranging in height from 7' to 11' obs O' interior side yard and O' rear. Condition. 2841 Camino del Rio South. C-15358 NH. 8-18-78.-L 1,. &-one. l!.D (r I'-").------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Portion of Lot 8- Permit APPROVED by ZA to FORREST W. BREHM to (I) construct a one-story parking structure on the same lot with a three-story building. Parking structure is to observe a 4' interior side yard where 7' is required (2) eliminate 6 1 high wall on'the west property line where a 6 1 high wall is required when parking abuts residentially zoned property; (3) portion of driveway grade to be 22.5% where a maximum 20% is permitted, at 2835 and 2843 Camino Del Rio South, Zone CO. Conditions. C-16925 9-12-80 (SEE ALSO PU r:~._.L""'O----'='LO,,_T:........cl....:.l..:..1.,__3)'---------------------------- Port ion of Lots l- 4- Permit GRANTED to SAN DIEGO TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, owner; and CENTERSIDE DEVELOPMENT, INC., permittee, to construct and operate a Planned Commercial Development, located on the south side of Camino Del Rio North, adjacent to Interstate 805, Zone R-1-40 (CO Zone with FPF Overlay proposed). PCD #40 4-6-78 AMEND ED 6-1-8 l (SEE ALSO LOTS l and 2, of CENTERS I DE, MAP #965 l) AMENDED 3-17-83