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Yacht Club Terrace Card 4

YACHT CLUB TERRACE CARD 4.tif YACHT CLUB TERRACE CARD #4 Lot 25- Permit was considered by A2A to BANK OF AMERICA TRUST & SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, owner; and JOHN F, & MARYL. SHOEMAKER, purchasers, to construct a 9,5' X 14' addition to an existing single-family dwelling: (1) to observe a 2.5' front yard at the closest point where 20' is required (15 1 setback plus 5' street widening}; (2) to result in,63 Floor Area Ratio where,60 is the maximum permitted; (3) to erect 52' of 6 1 high wal I observing a 0 1 setback at the closest point where maximum 3' high wall is permitted in required 20 1 setback, at 849 Rosecrans Street, Zone R-1-5. DECISION: (1) APPROVED; (2) APPROVED; (3) DENIED- Condition. C-17187 NH 5-14-81 BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS- A2A overruled. Modified and approved. DECISION: (1) Amended and APPROVED for a 14.5' front yard; (2) APPROVED; and (3) APPROVE erection of 52 1 of 4 1 high wall observing 1' setback at the closest point where maximum 3 1 high wall is permitted in th:e, lAAU,ir.ed 20 1 setback, subject to comp! iance with al 1 requirements of Building lnspes_t_ion Department. 7-9-81 Lot 25- ZA considered AMENDED request to C-17187 dated July 9, 1981, which permitted BANK of AMERICA TRUST & SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, owner; JOHN F. & MARYL. SHOEMAKER, purchasers, to construct a 9.5' x 14' addn to an existing SFD: 1) a 14.5' front yd at closest point where 20' is reqd (15' setback plus 5' street widening); 2) to result in.63 floor area ratio where.60 is the max. permitted; 3) erection of 52 1 of 4 1 hi wall observing I' set- back at closest point where max. 3' hi wall is permitted in the reqd 20' setback. Request Amendment to include maintenance of approx. 59' of max. 6 1 411 sol id wall observing at the closest point a 0' front yard (portion of the wall encroaches I' into public ri~ht-of-way) where the Board of Zoning Appeals on appeal approved a max. 4 1 high wall observing 11 fron (continued on Card #5)