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Development Services

Westward Ho Subdivision Card 1

WESTWARD HO SUBDIVISION CARD 1.tif WESTWARD HO SUBDIVISION ' Card No.-Lot 1- Permit to Westward-Ho Seven Seas Inn to erect 1 dble-faced, interior lighted, 58' hi, 423 sq ft ground sign for Westward-Ho Seven Seas Motel, where 40' hi, 100 sq ft sign designating principal perm uses of the prem is perm; at ~ 'fl I Hotel Circle, SW corner of Hiway 395 & Hiway Bo, Zone R-5,- Condl. ~. s_ 11_ 7 f ~ '7-,;lo- 7 7 Case No. 8526 2-16-68--------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------------Lot- 1-Z.A. considered appl. of San Diego Trust & Savings Bank, owner & Westward-Ho Seven Seas Inn, lessee to erect one double-faced int. ilium. free-standing 9 1611:x'6! affik.: sign overall height 20 1 6' 1, where one sign shall be permitted fronting each st. designating the principal uses of the premises (as permitted by C-8526) at 411 Hotel Circle S. bet. Fashion Valley & Highway 395 Zone R-5 and has DENIED the request. Case 10404 4-20-71