Weston Highlands Card 2
WESTON HIGHLANDS CARD 2.tif WESTON HIGHLANDS CAR.D #2 Lot 2, P.M. 6972, Portion of Lot 9- Permit APPROVED by ZA to CRAIG MATERN, trustee, to construct a 24 1-0" X 34'-0", one story garage on a parcel with a single-family home; the garage to observe a 12'-0" front yard on Orten Street where 15 1-011 is required, located at 4747 Orten Street, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-18256 NH 11-3-83 Lot 7- AGREEMENT with MARIO FONDA to construct a 2-story SFD with a bar sink in future bedroom on the lower floor at 4708 Orten St., Zone R-1-5 AGREEMENT #2920 4/27/83------------------------------------------------.------------------------------------------- Por. Lot 9- ZA considered request of LAWRENCE J. BRADLEY to constr. a 2-story, 1,536 sq. ft. detached garage observing a 12' front yard where a 15' front yard is required at 4737 Orton St., Zone Rl-5000, and has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED the first story to observe a 12' front yard, subj. to conds. C-19313 9/22/86