Western Hills #1 Card 3
WESTERN HILLS #1 CARD 3.tif WESTERN HILLS NO. I 7 CARD #3 'V ' Lot 36- DENIED permit to Simon & Paula Padilla to main 10 1 111 x 25'2" fam sing fam dwell; addn to obs 11 1 611 rearyd where 20 1 req, 2210 Tokalon St., C-13,120 appeal 7-28-75- appeal granted rm addn to Zone R-1-5 6-20-75 exist Lot 42- DENIED permit to Frederick & Hanna Bauer to main 21 '11" x 22'9" fam rm addn to exist sin fam dwell, addn obs O' rearyd where 20' req, at 2264 Tokalon St., Zone R-1-5. C-13,121 6-20-75 appeal 7-28-75- appeal granted Lot 41- DENIED permit to Leslie & Josette Case to main 21'7" x 26'7" fam rm addn to exist sin fam dwell, addn obs 1'1" rearyd where 20' req, at 2256 Tokalon St., Zone R-1-5. c-13, 122 6-20-75 appeal 7-28-75- appeal granted Lot 91- Permit to William D. & Virginia G. Murphy obs O' sb on Milton Street at 2189 Penrose Street. 6-17-77. to erect 40' of 61 high chain 1 ink fence Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-14454NH. Lot 110- Permit to Robert G. & Dolores M. Loud to const a rm addn to a sfd obs a 4' rear yd at 2174 Tokalon Street. R-1-5 Zone. C-14643. 10-21-77. Lot 94- Permit to Lewis & Lorna Williams at 4936 Whitehaven Way, Zone R-1-5, to constr 11' x 27' rm addn obs 17.5' rear yd. Condit. C-15960 4/9/79