West Clairemont #1 Card 2
WEST CLAIREMONT #1 CARD 2.tif W. CLAIREMONT #1 CARD #2 # Lot 92- Z. A. has considered the req of Donald D. Nance, owner, and Wylie Sign Co., lessee to erect 4 1 x 4 1 x 8 1 high double-faced, unlighted dir sign adv "Palisades" located 400' to the west on Aber St where max 8 sq. ft. sign adv propperty for sale or lease is perm; sign to obs 4 1 setback fr both sts where 12' is estab on Aber St. and 10 1 is estab on Jutland Dr, on NW cor Aber St and Jutland Ave, Zone R-1-5; and after consid of the foll finding of facts, has DENIED as req, but APPROVED a max 8 sq. ft. sign, 8 1 max height, obs 4 1 setback from both sts, sub'ect to the foll CONDITIONS_.a, w,,9-;;g-7g('g-3.>-77) 9'- &t- ~-1- Q./-t. ~ C-11536 NH-27- 2 Lot 86- ermit to William W. & Margaret M. Kolb to constr a 13' x 17'-6" dining-room addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs at closest point an 18'-6" rear yard where 20' is required at 4504 Jutland Drive. Zone R-1-5, C-13116 N,H. 5-7-75 Lot 94- Permit to Leary D. & Patricia Alford to constr. 469.5 sq. ft. fam. rm. add. to existing single fam. dwelling. add. to obs. at closest point 14' rear1 yrd. where 20' is req. at 3061 Aber Str. Zoned R-1-5. eond'l. C- 13168 7-22-75 Lot 4- Permit to Leonard & Helen Stenstadvold to maintain use of property for residential care facility (six people). 4573 Jutland Drive. Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-14367. 6-29-77.