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Development Services

Vista Terrace Hills

VISTA TERRACE HILLS.tif VlJTA TERRACE HILLS Lot 1- Ferr.ii t to Vista Terrace to erect 12 retaining walls ranging in ht. fron. approx. 7 1 to 11 1 4" in back of re:1 yds where max 10 1 is perm at the NE cor of l\orth Vista Ave. and Caithness Dr, uone A-1-10 Interim (proposed R-3) condl C-9133 N.H. 2-18-69 Lot 1- Per.:rJ.t to Dale build.g "o (iista Terrace) to cor:st & operate 9000 s ft day nursery for tile care oi' 3, max 100 childre. under tne age of 16 yrs, ,:he re QiJ.y nurserJ for not ir,ore t,.an 15 children and no more th'lll one aadnl d.-;e1..i.n2.. unit on the SJ.ii,e premises:cs l,erm at the NE corner cf i'lorth Jista Ave. "' Caithr.ess Dr. n.-3 condl C-9134 3-5-69