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Development Services

Villa La Jolla # 4 Card 2

VILLA LA JOLLA # 4 CARD 2.tif VILLA LA JOLLA #4 Lots 8,9- WIT!IDRAWN- Application of Mutual Benefit Life Insurance co. & La Jolla Village to constr general medical and research office bldg complex containing a tital of 471,341 sq. ft, gross floor area and to provide 1,585 parking spaces, which is equal to 1 parking space for each 336 sq. ft. of gross floor area. Property location at the SE cor~er of Villa La Jolla Dr and Nobel Drive. Zone CA. c-12396 Filed 3-18-74 Lots 8 and 9- Permit to Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. and The La Joi la Vi 1 lage Square Partnership to const and operate a PCD on the south side of Nobel Drive betw Villa La Jolla Drive and 1-5. CA Zone. PCD #23. 9-1-77. Lots 8 & 9- Planned Commercial Development Permit Amendment is granted by the Pbnning Director to LA JOLLA VILLAGE SQUARE to reduce the land area and revise conditions for operating a regional shopping center located on the south side of Nobel Dr. between Villa La Jolla Dr. & 1-5 Freeway, Zoned CA. PCD #84-0315 9/4/84------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 10- Planned Commercial Development Permit is granted by the Planning Director to BREHM COMMUNITIES, to construct a residential development north of Eucalyptus Lane, between Via Mallorca & 1-5 Freeway, in the CA zone. PCD #84-0305 9/4/84------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por. Lots 8 & 9- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Planned Commercial Development Extension of Time permit (to PCD #84-0315) which authorizes a regional shopping center located west of I-5, south of Nobel Drive, east of Via Mallorca, Parcels 1 to 4, PM 8363, CA Zone. PCD #87-0697 10-16-87