Villa La Jolla # 2 Card 1
VILLA LA JOLLA # 2 CARD 1.tif ~ VILLA LA JOLLA UNIT#?,.,:> Lot 6- permit to La Jolla Village to erect one 4' x 8 1 x 10' high, double-faced, unlighted identification sign advertising "La Jol.l.a Vill.age" where sigamust be attached to face of buil.ding S.W. corner La Jol.l.a Villa Dr. & Vill.a La Jolla Dr., Zone CO, condl ~-..(.a.~-J~-?-~------------------------==:~:~-~~-----~=~~:::______________ Lot 6- Permit DENIED to La Jolla Village to erect one sin. faced, 3' x 5' off-premises direct. sign adver. "La Jolla Village Apartments", where off-site signs are not perm. Southwest corner La Jolla Village and Villa La Jolla Drives, Zone CO Por Lot 6- Permit to McKellar Development Corp. 705 off-street parking spaces; 229 of the spaces La Jolla Drive. Zone CO. Conditions. C-15210. C-11826 3-28-73 to const an office complex providing to be compact, 7'6"x15'. 8950 Villa 7-26-78.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Div. of Lot 6- Permit to Donald L. Bren Co. at 8500 Blk of Gilman Dr. between Villa La Jolla Dr. & Evening Way, Zone R-3, to constr 5-unit condo bldg obs 6 1 rearyd. c-15983 4/20/79 Par I, PM 6810- McKellar Dev. Corp., Owner: City National Bank, Lessee- Permit to erect 3 directional signs (I) sign to be 13 sq. ft. and two at 6-1/2 sq. ft. overall ht. to be 6 1 1' where no such signs are permitted; (2) one sign to obs 01 front yard, at 8950 Villa La Jolla Dr., Zone CO. Condit. c-15858 3/14/79