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Development Services

View Terrace Card 1

VIEW TERRACE CARD 1.tif VIEW TERRACE Card II~~;-, Lot 4- Permit to ALCOTT ESTATES, OWNEl.} AND A. R. WYLIE SIGN CO., LESSEE to (1) erect and maintain for a period of one year, a double-faced, 4' x 4', overall height, 10' non- illuminated subdivision direction sign advertising "Palisades Homes" on Ariane Dr. approx. mile to the east (2) sign to observe O' property line setback on Morena Blvd. where 25' is required, on SE corner of Morena Blvd. and Arlane Dr. between Ariane Dr. & Jutland Dr,, Zone M-IP. Cond'l. EXT OF TIME (EXPIRES 6-30-77) 6/16/76 C-13146 7/1/75 Lot 4- Permit APPROVED to DEARDORFF & DEARDORFF to construct two office/industrial buildings located at the southwest corner of Morena Blvd. and Ariane Dr., Zone M-IP, M-IP #39 10/5/78 Lot 1- CASE TABLED- applicant was directed into this process who later determined that they would take the case, located at M-IP zone, C-20054 by Development Planning, 4901-07 Morena Blvd., 11/18/88 Lot 1- ZA APPROVED request of JAEGER-MILLER PARTNERSHIP, OWNER; VINEYARD CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP OF SA..~ DIEGO, LESSEE-To establish and operate a church in an existing industrial building where such use requires a Conditional Use Permit at 4901 Morena Blvd., M-IP zone with conds. C-20168 2/3/89 C-20527- Ballet School req. (CASE TABLED)