Victory Manor Card 1
VICTORY MANOR CARD 1.tif VICTORY MANOR Card #1 Lots 7 & 8- Condl ermit to John w. & Doris K. Greene to erect a display shed & retail tractors (5 h.p. & smaller garden tractors) at 5543 Market St. Ext of 60 days E30' Lot 23 & W20' of 24- Permit to Roger B. & Thelma V, appliance repair bus in gar, condl, 5759 Market St. Ext of time to exp 6-30-54 Res. 933 Res. 2383 5-10-45 7-16-47 Nutter to oper elec household Res. 6872 10-1-52 Res. 7496 6-10-53 Por Lots 23 & 24- Permit to Roger B. & Thelma v. Nutter to maint exist res with att por having 10'2" SB, 5759 Market. Res. 7627 8-5-53 E30' of 23 & W20' of 24- Permit to Roger B. & Thelma v. Nutter to continue oper of elec household appl repair bus in gar for 1 yr, condl at 5759 Market St. Res. 8542 10-13-54 Lots 6 & 7- Condl permit to Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. McKinney to const off & warehouse bldg obs 0' side yd, where 14' is req, on S side of Market St., 700' E of 54tn St., M-lA. c-1619 1-31-58 Lots 4 & 5- Permit to Bell Brand Foods, Inc. to const warehouse, O' sideyd on Wly side (14' req) on Market st. betw 54tn & Pitta Sts., M-lA, condl C-3462 7-22-60