University Heights Block H Card 1
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK H CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK H Ol2.4SE>-T Card Ill Lot 7- Permit to H.H. Eaton to suspend zoning. Res. 38279 6-28-36 ElOO' Lots ~7 & 48- Permit to D.C. Busily to erect apt over gar, O' sideyd for gar below 10' rear yard, 479~ Kansas St. Res. 72441 10-15-40- E40' Lots 1-4- Permit to Belle H. Bobbitt & Wilma Conner to const a two-story sin fem res on a par with an exist sin fam res resulting in 42tl, coverage wbeee 4~ is per at 2869 Collier Ave., Zone R-2. c-8o21 N.H. 2-3-67 W 50' of Lots 1 & 2- Permit to Theresa Frances Egan for a Home 0cc Permit to do thera- peutic foot and leg massage and give lessons for a small group of four to six customers coming to premises at 2853 Collier Avenue. Zone R-2. Condition. H0-1164. 4-8-77. Lots 25- 28- Permit DENIED by ZA, to Arthur F. & Mary Lou DELUCA request to construct a second story commercial addition to existing commercial building, (1) addition to observe 0 1 interior side yard where 4 1 is required, adjacent to residentially-zoned property (existing building observes a O' interior side yard, (2) warehouse addition to result in 7097.5 sq. ft. where maximum 5,000 sq. ft. is permitted, at 2888 Adams Avenue, Zone C.---------- CASE NO. 16244----___ lQ_-12-79