University Heights Block 99 Card 2
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 99 CARD 2.tif-UNIV.ii;RSI'rY Hb:i.GHTS 3LOCK 99 ')~ CARD ft 2 Lot 31 & South 1alf of Lot 32- PeI'"' to Sbr.;uruel Hosoitril,.\.ssoc. to erect tas fired inciLerator to be used ir, cor.r:ec ~with ex.1st r:on-cor.formlng office bld0 & acce:,sory uses or;;)ar, in cor:nec w-;_t;1 nos.-=>-'-tal ir 1tc 11 Zore across alley (See C-1849), at ',323 llor.i_J_a St., R-4Zone, condl. Case No. 5733 6-13-63------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 31 & s of Lot 32- ASOVE CAS:C, NO. 5733 APPEALED by J. H. Cannon anci. the a9peal was grar.ted and the decision of tne z. A. be,::.: nereby is, overruled. Case No. 5733 7-12-63 Lots 31-34- request of San Miguel Hosp Assoc {Hillside Hosp) to develop & maintain / parcel for parking facilities for Hosp at 1940 El Cajon Blvd., Zone R-4 TABLED for new plans C-6493 9-16-64 Lots Jl-34- Permit to San J.'.iguel Hosp Assoc. (Hillside Hosp) ABCVE (which was tabled) to develop and maintain parcel for parking facilities for Hillside Hosp. (pa.rkir).g for rerraitted R-4 use allowed) obs 0 1 disLance from front p.l. & 10 1 from curb where parking is req to obs at least 18 1 disLance from curb & in no ca~e closer than 3' from the front p.l., & to erect 4 1 high ret wall on~ & S p.l. obs 0 1 SB from Florida St. where max J' high wall is perm in 15 1 or average of the block SB, at 1940 El Cajon Blvd., Florida St. betw El Cajon Blvd. & r-foade Ave., Zone l(-4, condl. Case No. 6493 12-4-64,r