University Heights Block 81
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 81.tif UNIVERSITY' HEIGHTS BLOCK 81 Lots 29 & 30- Pasty making plant in kitchen at 4220 Cleveland Ave., Zone R-4 DENIED to California Home Bldg Co. Res. 67217 2-23-38------------------------------~-------------------------------------------------------- Lots 23 & 24 (E45')- Operation of beauty shop in R-2 at 1422 Meade Ave., DENIED to Gail H. Winnek Res. 69213 4-25-39 Lots 33 & 34- Permit to J.Q. Davis to operate wholesale nursery at 4436 Cleveland Ave. Res. 2813 1-28-48 Lots 33 & 34- Permit to J.O. Davis to oper retail nursery (Res 2813) business to be conducted at rear of prop. no adj. other than exist sign, no employees, at 4436 Cleveland variance to expire 6-30-52. Res. 5320 2-7-51 Lots 33 & 34- Ext to J.O. Davis to oper retail nursery at 4436 Cleveland, Res. 5320 ABOVE, Res. 6571 6-25-52 Lots 13 & 14 & N of 15- Permit to J.W. & Sylvia w. Burge to ccnst sin fam res at 4443 Maryland St., making 3 units on prop. Res. 8156 4-28-54 Lots 33 & 34- Ext of 3 years to J.O. Davis to oper retail condl ABOVE- Ext of 3 years to expire 6-30-60 nursery at 4436 Cleveland Ave. Res. 8412 8-4-54 c-1286 7-2-57