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Development Services

University Heights Block 73

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 73.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 73 Olt.4S&-J,7 Lots 15 & 16- Penn it granted to Bertie M. Sawtelle to erect 3rd living unit having 6 1 access court to street 4435 Mississippi St. Res. 2351 7-2-47 Lots 44 & 45- Permit to Mr. & Mrs, A,L. Kleckner to const 2 sin fam res in addn to 1 exist sin fam res making a total of 3 units on peoperty, 2 to be served by 9'7" access court, 4482 Louisiana St. C-112 3-8-54 Lots 27 & 28- Permit to John F. & Fredericka Groebli to maint exist open area for 3 car at front of par & add 1 addnl space making a total of 9 parking spaces for 8 dwelling;units,; exist 3 spaces at front & addn space will proj 2' into public right of way on Louisiana St; 4 spaces at front to obs 18 1 from curb line & O' from p.l. where no vehicle parking is perm within 18 1 of curb line & in no event within 3' of front p.l. a 3' solid fence to be installed on Nly side of parking area but omittedfrom Sly side at 4410 Louisiana St. betw Meade Ave. &;Monroe Ave., Zone R-4 condl c-6351 3-20-64