University Heights Block 58 Card 2
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 58 CARD 2.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 58 01 '2..'iSb- J WlOO' of Lot 22 & W 100' of N 12' of Lot 23- Permit DENIED to George L & Ruth E. Curry to make alterations to exist res having 2' sideyd, at 4509 Kansas. Res. 5284 1-24-51 Lots 29 & 30- Permit to Joseph K. & Myrtle Brewer to const unit above gar, W side 30th St. betw Monroe & Madison, Unit to obs 13' rear yd & 3' side yd. Res. 7253 3-18-53 Lots 43 & 44- AGREEMENT,#248 to George A. Floore & Florence Floore to convert an exist store bldg on the property into living quarters with no side yd & only 2' betw bldgs. See Res. 414 A-248 9-30-43 Lots 43 & 44- AGREEMENT#247 to George A. Floore & Florence Floore addn & convert into livng quarters an exist 1ng garage. A-247 See Res. 377 to alter, make 9-30-43