University Heights Block 32 Card 2
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 32 CARD 2.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 32 Por Lot 1 & that por s Golden Gate Dr clsd- condl Permit to Will D. & Crystal K. Rudd to const sin fam res with 5' SB, NE cor Mass, St. & Golden Gate Dr., Zone R-1 Res. 5098 11-1-50 Lots 21-24- Permit to Will D. Rudd, own James B, Eschwege, purch & Miss Ruth Menten, own to div into 2 parcels at Golden Gate Dr. & Rhode Island St, prov 15' SB main on Golden Gate Dr. &: Reg. City Ord on Rhode Island. Res. 5_232 1-10-51 Lot 1- to AMEND Res. 5098 11-1-50 to Will D. & Crystal K, Rudd, Res. 5216 12-27-50 Wly 100' Lots 14-18- Permit to B. Bailey & Kathryn J. Warren to div into 2 bldg sites 932 Madison Ave. Res. 6356 4-2-52 E40' Lots 14-18- Permit to Joseph A. Cutri to const sin fam res witn 15' SB on Madison Ave. & 10' SB on Rhode Island, NW cor Madison & Rhode Island. Res. 6902 10-15-52 Lots 3-4- Permit to Paul & Helen Markel to construct a TV Room, fam rm and batn addn to exist sin fam dwell with bar sink in fam room at 4641 Massachusetts St. Zone R-1-5, AGREE #1791 9-5-72-p~~-zj:24:j;;;j;-& Dorothy Rust. C-14907. TABLED 2/3/78.------..-------------------------------------------------.-.----------------