University Heights Block 25 Card 1
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 25 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 25 Oll..4Sb- J" Lots 21-24, E40'- Oil transfer plant in R-4 at 1720 Madison, DENIED to $mileage Co., Ltd. Res, 68861 2-7-39 Lots 25-27- Permit to E.C. Oudsnoorn to convert 3 store bldgs, 4646-52 Park Blvd., into 4 apts witn 2'1" sideyd. Res. 271 4-29-43----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 35, exc tne N3' of tne E70'- Permit to N,W. Brown to build a 3 unit court witn no sideyd for por of bldg & a 6 1 court widtn leading to tne alley only; access to tne street by a 3' easement & less tnan full lot widtn fronting on tne street, 4644 Park Blvd., Res. 1622 7-5-46 Lots 13 & 14- Cond permit to Bessie B. Wilson to const a 2 unit, 2 story apt making 4 units on lot witn 7' access to st at 4643 Nortn Ave. Res. 4746 6-14-50 Lots 11-14- Permit to E.c. & Gladys D. Comstock to construct addnl 4 units on rear, maki~ 12 units on parcel, prop add to obs 12' rear yd (15' req) 5'9" betw dwellings (6 1 req) 4643 Nortn Ave., Zone R-4. C-2298 2-26-59 C..---2298 AMENDED to permit 1 of apts to be located above gar whicn obs 1 1 6 11 side yd. (4' req) C-2298 4-20-59 rlJM. DON Or ind iruz 0 Cpo 00 lessee & Millitrd..& Doris P. Webb, own DENIED to oge_J'Bj;e pre g ng~llla~n~ne sn prem1ses wTt,1 3> ~o 40 n.p., & max 4 employees, ~636 Park Blvd., Zone C c-3221 3-25-60