University Heights Block 201
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 201.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 201 Lots 21-24 W90'- Permit to Liberty Food Co. to build to tne property line on Arizona St. Res. 44759 3-5-28 Lots 37 & 38- Ord. 12321 suspended to allow an addn to a proposed duplex, SB 12' on Hamilton St., Permit granted to C,F. Stepnens, 3952 Hamilton St. Res. 75530 11-12-41 Lots 37 & 38- Permit to coast an addn to an exist duplex at 3952 Hamilton St. witn a 12' SB from front p.l. Res. 163 8-20-42 Lots 37 & 38- Permit to C.F. & Eliz. A. Stephens to erect liv unit above exist gar & connect it to exist unit above gar; proposed liv unit to obs 3' side yd, exist gar witn 9" & 2" side yd, 3950 Hamilton St. Res. 7442 5-27-53 Lots 3 & 4- Permit DENIED to Sam R. & Carrie Mobley to maint exist bird bus, max 500 birds, no sale on premises, 3987 Arizona St. Res. 7752 9-30-53