University Heights Block 196 Card 1
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 196 CARD 1.tif UlflVEilSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 196 012..lf S ~- j Card #1'31>. Lots 25 & 26- Condl permit to Joseph J. Lewis to convert exist stores at 2044 & 46 University Ave. into dormitory for 6 and an apt unit witn no side yd. Res. 255 4-1-43 Lots 23 & 24- Condl permit to Geo. L, & Mary Jane Hawkins to make an addn to an exist cleaning & dyeing plant at 2002 University Ave. Res.808 1-4-45 9' Lot 15 & all Lots 13 & 14- Condl permit to Ralpn B, Lukehart to move in 2 bldgs to be converted to 6 liv units, 1 to be served by 4 1 access remaining units 10' access, E side Florida approx 250' N of University. Res. 5070 10-18-50 9' Lot 15 & all Lots 13 & 14- Condl permit to Ralpn B. Lukehart to move in bldg to be converted to 4 unit apt, 12' SB E side Florida, approx x 250' N of University. Res. 5069 10-18-50 Lots 23 &?4- Permit to Geo. L. & Mary Jane Hawkin~ to const 14' x 20' addn to dry clean- ing plant & to install 50 n.p. boiler to replace 35 n.p., NE cor Florida & Univ. Ave. condl Res. 7033 12-10-52 Lots 23 & 24- Permit to Geo. L. & Mary J. Hawkins to const 26' x 34' addn to rear of exist bldg at 2002 University Ave. Zone c. condl Res. 8668 12-22-54-----------------------------------------------------