University Heights Block 193 Card 2
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 193 CARD 2.tif UNIVErull'!'r HEIGHTS BLOCK 193 Card Lots 23,24 & 40 1 of Blaine Ave. clsd- Painters, Plasterers & Plumbers Labor Hall Assn granted a 6 mo ext on Res. 3175. Res. 3577 12-1-48 Lot 38 & s of 39- Permit to E.A. & Ruby Kirkendall to alter exist duplex to triplex, making 5 units on prop, 4 to be served by 5 1 611 access court, 3958 Park Blvd. Res. 3588 12-1-48 Lots 23 & 24- Permt to Painters, Plasterers & Plumbers Labor Hall Assn to erect labor hall, E side of Centre St., 130' N of University Ave., with 4.~ overcoverage. Res. 3831 4-20-49 Lots 5 & 6- Permit to E.U. & Essie s. Abplanalp to add 4 1 x 6 1 serv porch to rear of exist duplex, 2' sideyd, 3' access court to 2nd unit, add to obs yd req, 3977 Centre St Res. 4231 10-19-49 Lots 16-18- Permit to Joseph Cory to const 22' add to exis bldg, 3' sideyd, 3935 Centre Res. 4495 3-8-50 Lots 16-18- Permit to Joseph Cory to const gar, approx 19' x 39' att to exist bldgs. new structure to nave O' sideyd at 3935 Centre Ave. Res. 5279 1-24-51 Lots 33-35- Permit to H.L. Weston to conv exist sin fam res to duplex with O' sideyd, 3942 Park Blvd. Res. 6380 4-16-52--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 19 & 20- Permit to H,R. Mccann to const 15 18" x 24' gar 0' sideyd, 3921 Centre St Zone R-4 Res. 7981 1-6-54