University Heights Block 18 Card 1
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 18 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 18 Lots (two on Adams Ave. & Arizona St.)- Setback suspended, Permit to D. Burford Res. 35713 10-26-25 Por Lots 27 & 28- Cond permit to A.J. Weymouth to const 3' add to exist gar & connect gar with res, front of gar 47 1 from front property line. Res. 3860 5-4-49 Lots 1-8- Permit to Central-Hedrick to const a two-st: apt bldg at the southeast corner of Adams Ave. and Texas St. R-3 Zone. 5-23-77. obs a 5' interior sd yd Condition. C-14416 NH.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 9, 10, 11 & 12- Permit to Kam L. & Lan F. Wai and Jerry & Margaret S. McCaw to const 15 units in two (2) buil~ings, Building two to be three stories; (1) apt to obs 4' int side yd; (2) four parking spaces to be in tandem. 4651 and 4659 Texas Street. Zone R-3. Conditions. C-14459. 8-17-77.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------L0ts 35, 36 and the south 10 feet of Lot 37- Permit APPROVED by AZA to ARIZONA HEIGHTS, A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, (PHILLIP L. KENNEDY, GENERAL PARTNER), to construct a three-story nine-unit condominium building with an open stairway observing a 5 1 interior side yard on the south side where 7 1 is required, at 4646 Arizona Street, Zone R-3. Condition. C-16906 NH 9-19-80