University Heights Block 110
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 110.tif UNiVERSITl HEIGHTS BLOCK 110 Lots 31 & 32- Permit to C. P. Sisson & Elmer J. Mcinerney to oper store bldg with residential units with 70% coverage, 4330- 30th St., C zone Res. #69027 3-14-39---------------------------------------------- Lots 15 & 16- Pennit DENIED to Chester Ray Sullinger to oper carpet repair & cleaning shop in rear Res. #64582 6-30-36------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 13 & 14- Permit to Mary P. Leaf to const apt in rear of lot over exist gar, served by 5' access ct., at 4345 Kansas St. Res. No. 2107 3-13-47------------------------------ Lots 8 & 9- Permit to Otto D. & Florence M. Eindsey to add kitchen & bdnn to exist res, making 4 units, to be served by 4' access ct., 4365 Kansas Res. No. 4046 7-27-49------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 37 ~hru 42- Permit to Eugene & Noel P. Tweed, owners, E W Schadeck, lessee, to remodel & use exist bldg for whlesle & retail of houseware & gift mdse with offices & display rm, at 4356- 30th St., cond'l Res. No. 8707 1-19-55 Lots 37 thru 42- Permit to Eugene & Noel P. Tweed, mmers & Solar Aircraft Co., lessee, to use exist bldg for storage of airpla~ parts & supplies, 4356--30th St., cond'l,C zone-lle!t. No. 1386 8-23-57--------------------------------------~&'.. ..----------------------------------- w 65'..,ots 47-48, Permit to Vachel W. 8t Elinor M. Coan, olill.ers, & Ted Gei, dba Ted' Hakery, lessee, to ue premises as retail/wholesale bakeiy, JUX 3 ployeea, 1 route truck,2929 Heade ATe, C zone. hr oper 8: 00&11 to 10;00pa, for 2 yrs to expire 12-13-62. Case 3700 12-2-60