University Heights Block 109
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 109.tif UNIVERSI'IY HEIGHTS BLOCK 109 l; N5' of Lot 43 & all of 44 & SlO' of 45- Permit to Herbert R. & Nautie M. Davis to erect a duplex over gar at rear of property and maint 8 1 6" access court 438o Kansas St. Res. 2896 2-25-48 Lot 18- Permit DENIED to Horton Ealy to const sin fam res making 4 units on lot, with 4' access to st., abutting a 10' alley, on tne east side of Utan St., approx 150' no of ElCajon Blvd. Res. 4765 6-14-50 Lot 18- Horton Early appeal filed on Res. No. 4765 ABOVE sustained & permit granted, according to revised plans Res. 99284 8-29-50------------------------------------------ tote 37, 38- Permit to Ricllard J, Knott and Efren R. Cota to eliminate approx 125' of 6 1 bign aolicl fence anci 15' of 3' taign aolicl fence vnere all parking areaa containing five or more apace anall. be bOUDded by a aolid fence vllenever parking adjoin reaidentially zoned property aloag interior eide property line; at 4354 JCanaaa St betv El Cajon Blvcl. and Meade Ave, Zone R- '4,, C-11145 1',B. 3-28-72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E 50' of Lots 47 & 48- Permit to Dr. Jonn Segal to install bar sink in playroom on 2nd floor of exist sin tam. dwell at 2883 Meade Ave, Zone R-4. AGREE #1749 4-7-72 ~~~~~~~~~~-----------------------------------------------------------------------