Triumph # 9
TRIUMPH # 9.tif TRIUMPH UNIT NO. 9)1 Lot 485- ZA considered the app of Dale & Dorothy Jean Hall to erect 6' high solid wood fence obs o' SB at NW prop line barying to 7' SB at a point approx 70' S'ly as shown on plans, ehere max, 3' high fence is perm, in req, 15' SB from Charger Blvd.; at 6912 Bettyhill Dr,, NE cor of Intersection of Charger Blvd. Zone R-1-5, and has DENIED the 6' high fence as requested, but APPROVED a 5' high solid wood fence obs o' SB at NW prop line varying to 7' SB at point approx 70' S'ly as shown on plans, Case No, 8322 N,H, 9-12-67 Lot 531- permit to Nathan and Doreen WILKINSON at 6814 MBamberg Dr,, R-1-5, to construct a 13' x 26'-6" rec room addition to existing SFD obs 16' rear yard where 20' is required, C-14070 12-29-76 Lot 519- Permit to Sanford & Carol Hess to const a 12,5' x 27' rec rm addn; addn to obs 12.5' rear yd at 6827 Bamburgh Drive. R-1-5 Zone. DENIED C-14271 5-10-77 ZA DENIED fence variance request of WILLIAM F, DUDLEY AND LINDA J. DUDLEY to maintain an existing combination retaining wall/solid fence, currently in violation, a max, of 8'-7" in height within the 15' establ, street side setback, where a total comb, height of 9' for comb, retaining wall/fence is permitted, provided that no single plane exceeds 6' in height and that horizontal separations are provided in complaince with design criteria, located at 6907 Bettyhill Drive in the Rl-5000 Zone, Lot 484 C-20833 8/11/91 NH