Triumph # 2 Card 1
TRIUMPH # 2 CARD 1.tif TRIUMPH #2------ LOt 97, Permit to Lil.lian M. Bartshat to const patio actdn or exist sing ram res 44~ coverage of lot & obs 16 1 reE,r R-1,corrll. N.H. CASE#4399........ {f CARD #I with access to rear yd,431;8 Clayrord 9-15-61 Lot 85- Z.A. considered the app of Geor,e D. & Alexandra Hall to erect app~.ox 52.:5 1 of 6 1 hipi solid wood fence on prop line on Castleton Dr., as shown on plans, where j I high fence n now eY.ists and where., 1 high fence only is perm in front of 12 1 estab S.3, at 4442 Cannine::ton Dr., betw Castleton Dr. & Clayford St., Zone rt-1-5, and has DE?JIZD the fence as req.,ested, but APPROVED a 41' high, solici wood fence or concrete block wall obs 1 1 SB (2 1 insia.e side- walk), Cond' l. Case Lo. 8090;,.H. 5-2~-fe!! 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~:./::~~- Lot 550- AGREEMENT to CONRAD AND MARY DOERING to construct family room addition with'lbar sink and exterior entrance, located at 4367 Berwick Drive, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2449 7-7-83