Town Of Sorrento Card 2
TOWN OF SORRENTO CARD 2.tif TOWN OF SORRENTO CARD #:t, ~ Lot 8- Permit APPROVED by ZA to SORRENTO PARTNERS to construct a four-story office building observing a 59' setback from current property line where 98 1 is established (200 1 setback from railroad right=of-way established by ROS Map No. 3840), at 10505 Sorrento Valley Road, Zone M-1-A. Conditions. C-17340 NH 8-7-81 (SEE ALSO SORRENTO LANDS & TOWNSITE) (CARD #1) Por. Lot 25- ZA APPROVED ext. of time. for SORRENTO LEASING CO. to I) use property for storage of constr. sheds & Miscellaneous storage providing no off-street parking where one-half of the total Jot area is to be reserved for auto parking areas, driveways & 2) maintain existing 6 1 hi fence obs a 0 1 street side yd setback on Flintkote Ave. & a 0' front yd setback on Estuary-Way where a max. 3' hi fence is permitted in reqd 25' front & street side yd. at NE corner of Flintkote Ave. & Estuary Wy, Zone M-IA with cond., ext. of time to 2/26/86. C-17546 2/2/82(orig. date)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------