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Development Services

Torrey Pines Science Park # 3 Card 2

TORREY PINES SCIENCE PARK # 3 CARD 2.tif ~ TORREY PI NEs r "32J&JC PARK "'3 Xl q~-51, ~ cARD #2... $ Lot 14- Permit APPROVED by A2A to E. F. HUTTON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY to construct new office on Parcel I, over two levels of basement parking and provide access to parking across Lot 14 and Parcel 2 where access to parking must be on same Jot as use, at 11000 block of North Torrey Pines Road, Zone SR. Conditions. C-17382 9-28-81 (SEE ALSO Portion of Lot II, Torrey Pines Science Park Unit #2) Por. Lot 14- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Planned Industrial Development Permit to NEXUS CENTER/TORREY PINES ASSOCIATES to develop a two-structure 116,127 sq.ft. Scientific Research project located on the east side of North Torrey Pines Road, between Callan Road and Carmel Valley Road, Parcel 1, PM 14129. SR Zone. PIO #88-0356 7-15-88